2022 Duplication Cares Webinar, Young Adulthood and Transition to Independent Living


Courtney Felle and Nicole Wells spoke to our families about transitioning to independent living for young adults with Duplication 7 and other medical syndromes or intellectual or developmental delays and disabilities (IDD). Topics include the What, Why and When of transitions, healthcare and medical providers, rebuilding a new system of resources, self-advocacy and agency and choice in the living environment and housing needs.


Webinar presented by: Courtney Felle, Patient Engagement Fellow, EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases, and Coordinator, Young Adult Representatives of the Rare Disease Legislative Advocates (YARR), and by: Nicole Wells, Global Liver Institute Advocacy Academy Manager, and Member of the Young Adult Representatives of RDLA (YARR).

Presented on 30 April 2022 by Duplication Cares.

Courtney Felle and Nicole Wells spoke to our families about transitioning to independent living for young adults with Duplication 7 and other medical syndromes or intellectual or developmental delays and disabilities (IDD). Topics include the What, Why and When of transitions, healthcare and medical providers, rebuilding a new system of resources, self-advocacy and agency and choice in the living environment and housing needs.

Note: This webinar is presented as an educational talk, not as medical or legal advice. Read our detailed video disclaimer.